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Our Background


A quick glance at us as a couple... Jeremy and I could not be two more opposite people. Jeremy is a calm, quiet, no worry type of guy. I am an anxious, Type A, control freak. I'm not sure there is a couple out there that could be more different.


The longer story- Jeremy and I met at his older brother, Jacob's, wedding. Jeremy was the younger quiet brother but there was something about him that was intriguing. I was attending Harding University as a nursing student. Jeremy, being younger than me, started attending Harding University two years after me. I was in a relationship, a really bad relationship. I was able to break free from that relationship around the same time Jeremy broke off his relationship, another toxic one. We started talking on AIM (if you don't know what that is, you are probably too young to understand much about our life back then! Haha!) After talking there, we decided to hang out as friends. We started spending a lot of time together and easily transitioned into a relationship. Jeremy totally sealed the deal on our first meal together, as a couple, by spilling his entire glass of tea onto my dinner plate (Insert an eye roll here).  We got engaged February 10, 2008 and we married July 11, 2008. The rest has been history!

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