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We can't do this on our own

I had become really good friends with my neighbor that we shared a driveway with at Offutt. We had those frequent, over the fence, talks in the back yard. We got along so well and I found it super easy to talk to her about wanting a baby, but not being able to get pregnant. In one of our conversations, she urged me to make an appointment. She was right. I talked to Jeremy that night and we decided to make an appointment with a Doctor at the Offutt AFB Ehrling Bergquist Clinic.

I was nervous for this first appointment because, lets be honest... I'm a huge "glass half empty" type of person, and I didn't want any bad news. I wanted to walk in and have them tell me, "everything is great! You will get pregnant easily". That wasn't the case.

The doctor I saw, I don't remember her name, was very stoic and cold. She asked me all the typical questions, without even a glance into my eyes. I couldn't tell you what color her eyes were. If you haven't been to one of these appointments, let me list a couple questions they ask:

-At what age did you start menstruating?

-What are your cycles typically like?

-How regular, long and heavy?

-Have you ever been pregnant before?

-Have you been charting your cycles or testing for ovulation and for how many cycles?

-How long have you been actively trying to get pregnant?

-How frequently do you have intercourse?

-Do you use any lubricants during sex?

-Have you had any abortions? (this one made me pause and want to scream)

-Has your spouse fathered any children?

-Do either of you smoke?

-Do either of you use alcohol or recreational drugs? If so, how often?

After passing the test, with all of my answers (I still never saw her eyes), she ordered blood work to see if my levels were ok and walked out of the room. The way our clinic works for blood work, you walk down down to the basement (creepy right?!) and give them your military issued ID, then they tell you to sit in a room with 10ish chairs and wait to be taken to a small room, that closely resembles a closet, to get your blood drawn. Then I go home to wait. I waited for a couple weeks. We all know that the military doesn't really hurry with anything! So I called, after a couple weeks, to ask about my results. Getting through to talk to anyone was a struggle. That is when they had me make an appointment, which was a month away, to come in to discuss results and the next step. That will be the next post. :)

How did I feel after this appointment? As stated above, it was a very detached and apathetic appointment. I didn't really walk out feeling very hopeful that my doctor was going to do whatever she could to get us to our end goal, pregnancy.

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