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What is next?

Hopefully you are all caught up. If not, go back and read through what tests we have been through and results that have gotten us to this point.


Here we go again, calling that dreaded line to make my appointment. I was able to schedule with the same doctor that actually seemed to care, even just a teeny tiny amount! To me, that was a victory. We had been through all the tests that I could go through and were ready for the next step!

Again, it's my turn to go back to my room and wait for the doctor to come in. I jumped up on that dreaded, crunchy paper on the table and waited. (I didn't typically have to wait very long for the doctor to come in.) She walks in and pulls up her rolling stool, again, with a notepad. We talked about the results, again, stating that my fallopian tubes were open and that there were no issues there. There was a catch though. There actually was one more test that she wanted to order. WAIT.... I thought I was done with tests... I walked into that appointment expecting to be done! She probably saw me roll my eyes when she was talking to me. (If you don't know me very well, I am overly expressive with my face. Sorry, not sorry!) Remember, I stated that there was a catch... The test she was ordering was not for me, it was for Jeremy. She needed a semen analysis. Since she had run all the tests on me, she wanted to make sure there wasn't anything on his part that might be adding to the difficulty of getting pregnant. (A semen analysis measures the number of sperm, the shape of the sperm, and sperm motility). The way the military does this is a little strange. Jeremy had to go to his PCM to get a referral to an off base facility that does this kind of testing. My doctor couldn't order the test for Jeremy (I'll address this in a later post.), so he scheduled his appointment to get the referral.

Ok, ok.... Moving on to my appointment, as to what she wanted to do for the next step with ME.

She wanted to start me on Metformin and Clomid. She wrote the prescription and I walked over the pharmacy to get it filled. While waiting for my prescription, I did some research about the meds.

- Metformin- reduces blood sugar levels and used for treatment of type 2 diabetes. (This made me stop and think for a second, then I kept reading.) In women with infertility due to polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), trials found metformin plus Clomid to be more effective than - Clomid alone in ovulation induction.

- Clomid- It will often induce ovulation in women that do not develop and ovulate on their own. You take this on days 4-8 of the menstrual cycle.

So, I started Metformin the night I got it filled and we waited for my next cycle to start the meds!

I was extremely excited about finally working towards something that would get us pregnant! Keep in mind... At this point, it had been about three months into the process of the tests and waiting. After all, most people that got pregnant on Clomid will tell you that it worked for them. I was hopeful and ready!

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