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Step one... Again

In all of the first process of tests and appointments, I never lost sleep before any of them. Step one of starting all over, I couldn't sleep and I was so sick to my stomach. I remembered every feeling I had from the appointments at the clinic and I worried I was putting myself through that same process again.

I decided to go to a civilian doctor, a husband and wife team, that had been recommended to by a couple of people. A couple of my friends had said that this doctor made sure to do everything he could in his power to get them pregnant. Both of them were success stories with Dr. McFadden. (Remember how I said that fertility testing and appointments aren't covered and would in turn be 100% out of pocket.) I made my appointment as an annual so it was covered. I also needed an annual appointment because, in the middle of all of my fertility appointments, they could never get a good enough sample for a pap smear. That is a whole different issue... Anyway, Jeremy went to my appointment with me for support. In the civilian world, husbands can attend these appointments. Having Jeremy there in the room with me made a WORLD of difference for me.

Dr. McFadden (left) and Dr. Thatcher (right)

Look at Dr. McFaddens welcoming smile! That was a great start!

Dr. McFadden walked into the appointment, shook Jeremy's hand and then shook mine. Let's hit pause really quick.... this was already leaps and bounds better than any appointment I had at the clinic. He propped himself on up against the counter and asked about my history. I was able to tell him everything, in a very abridged version of course. He rolled his eyes with almost everything I told him, borderline disgusted. He kept his professionalism, as I explained everything. We moved on, he did my pap smear and then sat me back up.

He went back to leaning on the wall and started talking about the beginning of tests that he wanted to run. His first suggestion was to switch out men. This cracked Jeremy and me up. It was so refreshing to have a doctor that had a personality. I joked back with him that I would only switch out Jeremy if I had a choice, we laughed and ordered the first step, blood-work. He then told me that he wanted me on a prenatal, baby aspirin, fish oil and Vitamin D. Why did he want me to take the baby aspirin? He said many first pregnancies may have preeclampsia. Ok, doc... whatever you say, I'll go get some! I had to ask trusty google about the vitamin D. My research told me that "one recent study in the UK showed that women taking a multivitamin were more likely to both get pregnant and stay pregnant. We believe it comes down to a few essential vitamins for most women who are trying to conceive. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to infertility." The perk about the Vitamin D... They are gummies because that is the only way to get 5,000 mg. Right before I walked over to the little room where they drew blood, he looked at me in the eyes and said, "I'm not worried, we'll get you pregnant." He made sure to tell me that he would dot all of his i's and cross all his t's. I felt the biggest weight lifted off my shoulders and this was only the first appointment. I walked down the hall to get my blood drawn and I actually felt hope again. I didn't know I could feel that feeling again...

Jeremy and I headed to Walmart a couple days later to grab my pills and a granny style pill organizer. While I was looking into prenatals, I noticed they sold a "his and her" pack that claim to "support healthy sperm". So... Jeremy got his own grandpa style pill organizer, since he already takes fish oil because of the benefits for a healthy heart! Now, to wait for those lab results.

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