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Step two... again

I waited a couple weeks to make sure to give Dr. McFadden plenty of time to dot all the i's and cross the t's. I went ahead and called to make the next appointment. I had no idea what he wanted to do at this appointment, so I assumed we would follow the order that was done at the clinic. I was correct, he wanted me to to come in for a transvaginal ultrasound. There were two differences between the first time and the second time. 1. They didn't want me to do an abdominal ultrasound and 2. I didn't have to have a full bladder! Thank the Lord baby Jesus!!! I was thrilled at this news. As I stated in an earlier post... A transvaginal ultrasound gets the best results without a full bladder. I was nervous for this appointment because it was so awkward and robotic. I didn't know what to expect. After all, my expectations were pretty low.

Jeremy wanted to go to this appointment, but had to work, so I went alone. I was extremely nervous because, in all honesty, it isn't the most enjoyable test. I walked into the office to check in and the receptionist told me that Dr. McFadden was called away for a delivery and I had the choice to reschedule or see Dr. Thatcher. I sent a really quick text to my friend, Sarah, asking her opinion of Thatcher. She told me she really liked her, so I told the receptionist that I would see Dr. Thatcher.

They take me back to the first room to take my vitals and update my chart. The nurse starts talking about children and is assuming that I have kids. She then says, "you know how it is to not have any sleep with a newborn." I felt several emotions; one of them being anger because she did not look at my chart to see the reason I was there. I responded to her, "I'm here for infertility." She looked at me like I punched her in the gut. She then changed the subject, and walked out letting me know that I would be moving rooms when the ultrasound room was available. About 15 min later, they came in to move me to the ultrasound room... Was I really ready for this?

I didn't want to be there alone to go through this again, nor did I want to know the results. After all, the clinic told me I had PCOS and I was assuming they would tell me the same thing...

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