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Step two... Continued

Sorry for leaving you hanging... :)

Dr. Tatcher was wonderful! I had to go through my history AGAIN, which I'm not the biggest fan of, but I know it's necessary for a doctor to know. So, I tell her my history with the clinic and what they said. I told her about the things they said to me. I would tell her about one thing that was said and she would shake her head and ask what they did next. She wasn't shaking her head at the tests but their responses and my experience. As usual, I finished with the last doctors appointment and them telling me that my last option was to adopt. I could feel the lump in my throat and my eyes tearing up when I told her. She reached for a kleenex and shook her head one last time and apologized for their bedside manner.

She then stood up off her rolling chair and asked me to lay back. She prepped the ultrasound machine and wand and started the exam. There was no awkward, you insert then I take over. Dr. Thatcher talked me through the whole process. She turned the screen towards me multiple times and showed me what she was looking at. She showed me my uterus and didn't show any concerns. Everything looked the way it should. Then, she went to my ovaries. First, she looked at my left ovary, it looked fine. Then, she went over to my right ovary. She stopped and looked at it for a while, then selected one of the options on the machine that drew a line from one end of a black circle to the other. My heart sank. She was quick to tell me that it could either be a cyst OR my main follicle (A main follicle is developed by the ovary that will release the egg). Dr. Thatcher calculated out loud to try to decide which one it should be, but we were in a limbo of time to decide which one it was for sure. She then found fluid in my cervix. This confused her and said that it shouldn't be there. After the ultrasound, she said she wanted to remove the fluid because there wasn't anything positive about it being there. So, stage two of this appointment was about to go underway. From the way I remembered the HSG from the clinic, I knew this was going to be painful. I just didn't know how painful... She told me she would insert a catheter into my cervix and suction out the fluid. Heads up to any ladies reading this... your cervix does NOT like to be messed with... She needed to suction several times. It was excruciatingly painful every single suction. The decision was made not to send anything off to the lab and discard it instead. I sat back up and she started printing results from the ultrasound. About 30 seconds into sitting up, I started feeling extremely nauseous and light headed. I mentioned to her that I wasn't feeling good. She told me to lay back and ran to the door and yelled for some juice. Apparently, I was going into shock from the minimal trauma to my cervix. The second I started drinking the juice, (the nurse was basically pouring the juice in my mouth) I started feeling better. She told me that it isn't abnormal for women to have that kind of reaction to cervical draining. (I felt off for the next few days after the appointment. The best way for me to describe it was a mild flu. I just assumed I felt a little ill because of the cervical draining the day before.) After she was done printing everything, she told me that she wanted to start me on the dreaded Metformin again. NOOOOOOO! She also wanted me to start Femara (a fertility med). Femara was mentioned by Dr. McFadden at the first appointment that Jeremy was able to attend. He prefers Femara over Clomid. He said that Clomid makes for a "hostile" environment in the uterus. Clomid thins the lining of the uterus which makes it difficult for the egg to implant.

Dr. Tatcher asked one of her nurses for a piece of paper; This is what she wrote on it.

If you can see, Day 14 says "come in". She wanted me back in to look at the questionable cyst/follicle. She said to call in on the first day of menses.

I went and got my prescription filled at the clinic pharmacy and headed home with my instructions and my meds. I was NOT ready to start the Metformin again, but I was ready for the Femara! I started Metformin that next day and waited for day 4 to start Femara.

On my way home I was listening to the radio. An ad came on about abortions and I lost it. I bawled that anyone would ever consider aborting something I wanted so deeply. I will never understand this. I needed to give myself a pep talk to get out of the sadness and anger I felt so that the rest of my day wasn't ruined. So back to the excitement of starting Femara...

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