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Thoughts From A Mom… Yours

I got this e-mail from my mom the other day. We didn't always get along, especially in high school. BUT she is my mom and has become one of my best friends!

There are not enough words in our language, or in my heart to say all the things that run through my mind. You have teased me over the years of always being too wordy. True. I can accept that. I can own it. But in my defense, I can’t help it. You (and your brother) bring out all the feels.

You have opened your heart and soul to the world with your struggles recently. But from my seat, I have watched you struggle with a feeling of wanting more, needing something and being worth everything your whole life: sometimes attaining it, sometimes taking a different path for a much longer time frame. You battled soccer injuries, a tumultuous (and wrongly paired) engagement, a college education shift, a career change among other things all with the dedication of a trooper. You have always faced the challenge, and beat the odds. While you are in the biggest battle to date, I know you will face this one too with all the strength you have inside.

Also, from my seat, I have seen so many other pieces of this woman, Cassidy, that maybe you can’t see. I see a determination (stubbornness), a fight (for the right), standing up for injustices (some personal, some social), a patriotism and nationalism that I admire so much. But most of all, I see courage. You stand strong, you stand united with Jeremy and you look so confident. Yet, below the many (sometimes stoic) layers of Cassidy, lies a tender heart that will always love beyond measure. Anyone that has seen you with your 2 dogs knows this. And we all know that the kind of love and care you give to animals will be multiplied with a baby in your arms.

I pray for that. I beg God to show you his love and purpose for both you and Jeremy. I pray for a peace that all mothers desire for their children. And I pray that those who meet you pray for the same.

And because I collect quotes, I end with this:

Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow.” Mary Anne Radmacher

You may end a night with tears. But you wake to face the morning with courage. I admire you. I respect you. And I love you. And I also long for that baby – my grandbaby.

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