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Another round...

I know it's been a while since I posted an update. I have had people hint at asking why I haven't posted. I know they think I haven't said anything because I'm pregnant... Well, I'm not.

The night I started my period I laid in bed and cried after Jeremy went to sleep. It's usually the way it happens. I'm ok during the day and then, the second I'm in bed it hits me like a MAC truck. I don't enjoy crying in front of anyone so I prefer to do it on my own.

**I want to make sure and tell everyone that being sad alone is fine. There is nothing wrong with it. Just make sure you get up and get out of the funk you're in.

I'm so sick of feeling the same thing over and over. I'm sure you have read that I called it quits in the "TTC game" a while ago. If it weren't for the support of Jeremy, there is a possibility that I would quit again. It is so emotionally draining to go through this every month. BUT I put on my big girl panties and deal with it.

Well, today I started round three of Femara. I've gone back to my trusty calendar and wrote down the days of pills and took my first dose tonight. Another freaking month of pills and following a schedule.

Here we go.

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