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A Break

If you follow along with my blog you have read about how I felt when Jeremy deployed. If not, look for the post titled "Deployment"

Jeremy was sent to Military Police Investigation School for a couple months, so this means another break. MPI came at the perfect time though. I was starting to get down about the failed attempts and personally needed a little break.

A little reminder: The last Dr appointment that I had, was for me to be on Femara and Metformin for six months and if I wasn't pregnant, then I would make another appointment and I would go back in for the next step. Well, I didn't get pregnant and the six month mark came up right before Jeremy left. This just means that I will be making an appointment when Jeremy gets back in a couple months to see what is next.

As I have stated before, I am very pessimistic when it comes to thinking about actually getting pregnant. I was gifted some baby furniture to put in our nursery when that time came 3 years ago by my best friend. It is in the storage under our stairs and I'm ready to put it on the curb. I'm sick of it taking up space and not being used. It's a constant reminder and I don't want to see it anymore.

I struggle with actually putting it on the curb or donating it. I'm sure there is someone else out there that would love to use it but I'm super bitter that there is someone else out there that gets to BUT what if it's another woman in my shoes that has spent thousands of dollars getting pregnant and needed a break in the cost and found the crib cheaper?!

I will probably donate, because I know it's the right decision and I will probably shed some tears when I drive away without it but it's time, time for my heart, time for my storage to be of use and to get rid of it. The best case scenario is that I will have have to purchase one in the future.

While many women are buying new baby items to save away for their future bundle of joy, I'm going to say goodbye to mine.

I know she people wait longer.

I know some people never experience pregnancy.

I know adoption is an option.

I know it's still possible to conceive.

I'm just being real.

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